Make video/mso replay on page visit
Hello! I'm under a bit of a time crunch here. We had a seemingly easy article to build that's turned into a monster. Our article is 4 pages long. Each has an MSO with a video and gradient that plays,...
View ArticleRe: No Rotate Spread View Option in Pages Menu - ID CS5
Hey Peter,Thanks for the quick response, the command wasn't in Menu Customization so I trashed the prefs and went to the defaults, still no option in MC. Any idea what could be wrong?
View ArticleRe: Can I check if there is a specific item in the library, through AS?
If you mean FLA library - the answer is no.
View ArticleCarrying over interactive elements to alternate layouts
Not sure if I'm missing something simple or not, but I wonder if interactive elements (specifically buttons) should be carried over into alternate layouts. Using CS6, I'm currently experiencing 2...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Photoshop CS6 - AAMEE 3.1 Installation Failure
Hi STLCOP_IT,Please check for Windows Installer is set to manual and started. Navigate to start/run/Services.msc/Select Windows Installer and check it should be set to manual and services status should...
View ArticleRe: Need to move a lot of photos! Help
Move photos in your operating system, keeping structure/hierarchy the same (don't be re-arranging things at this time) Then, follow these instructions:...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver CS3 website docs onto new computer
Hard drive enclosure?
View ArticleRe: How do I download Lightroom 4?
Hi 25shodges,Please try downloading Lightroom from the mentioned link: . Kindly follow the important instruction before download. Regards,Romit...
View ArticleRe locking a pdf
Hi I'm wondering if there is a way to make the pdf created (editable) in Form central into a regular uneditable pdf after the form has been filled out?
View ArticleRe: Can't import Cr2 files from my Canon 60D into LR5
Thank you so much for taking time to reply, but I am not sure I understand. I have LR open and then I hit the import button and then select my external hard drive and when I choose the folder in which...
View ArticleLaunch of Reader Delayed in Browser Window
Since the update of 20/5/14 whenever I try and open a PDF file from a website the reader launch is delayed. It does eventually display but can take 20secs to 2mins to show first page. For some large...
View ArticleRe: JPEG photos crash Premiere Pro CC
Jeff - Thanks for your reply. No special characters used in the still image names. Yes, I am aware of setting a default duration preference option. I typically set durations per what "feels" correct...
View ArticleRe: Can I use Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 freely without buying?
No. It is not free software.
View ArticleRe: Error al actualizar PhotoShop desde Creative Cloud
Gracias por contestar y la información adicional. Adobe actualiza a la vez en todos los extremos ambas versiones de 32 y 64 bits, la de 32 está recomendada para procesadores que utilicen procesadores...
View ArticleRe: Processing ColdFusion variables which resides inside a database table
Add cfoutput tag: <cfoutput> <input class="pop_up_textbox" type="text" name="gl_number_text" id="gl_number_text" maxlength="21" value="#ARGUMENTS.chkDetails.GL_ACCT_NBR#" />...
View ArticleRe: Enhancing GPU: 2 cards GeForce GTX 770 connected with SLI or Nvidia...
Thank you, Eric very very much!
View ArticleRe: Image position the same? Image size the same?
Herbert2001 wrote: I agree with Nancy and Jon - you can automate it easily in Photoshop and other tools. It takes a couple of extra minutes Only if you require no cropping of the images. I've never...
View Articlei Can't seem to download the trial of PS?
It doesn't seem to do anything when i click the download button
View ArticleRe: まもなく、お客様の有償サブスクリプションが終了します。というメールが来たので、請求情報を確認したのですが、問題なさそうでした。
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