Re: srtで読み込んだ字幕を縦書きに変更したい
Re: Looking for White Window Workaround plugin
Hi, I don't know if you still need it, but I just put it in a public folder on my Dropbox:
Dropbox - - Simplify your life
Hope it helps
Re: Roto Brush sticks on
this response is the solution!
Every time you paint a stroke after effects saves that stroke information. It stores quite a bit of data along with it, and you can modify each stroke you make indefinitely. The more strokes you make, the heavier the file gets. Yes its a bug, but the work around is to just not be trigger happy with your mouse and keep strokes to a minimum.
Re: Align two layers or objects in Photoshop
Hi, JJMack,
Thank you for the solution. Now my problem is how to create a selection for a specific layer. It is possible to select a layer by clicking the layer in the "Layers" window, but that will not automatically set the selection to the box of the layer. If I make the selection manually, then that is not accurate.
Resetting a line of form fields with multiple resets per page, and on spawned pages
Hi..newbie to the forums as well as javascript in a pdf. I have a pdf with some very specific functionality...One of the pages has a form, with 10 different rows of data that each have their own reset button per line (illustrated below). In addition to that, this same page has a button which is supposed to duplicate this same form page again (with different fieldnames) so the user can enter an additional 10 lines of data, then click that same button to spawn yet another new page if needed, and so on and so on. As shown, each row consists of 7 input boxes, then a 4 option radio button set, then 2 more inputs, then another 6 option radio set. As if that wasn't enough, each of the individual radio button COLUMNS, and the last 2 input field COLUMNS, get tallied and totaled at the bottom, and those 'total' numbers each have to also be carried through (no matter how many of these pages the user spawns), and that total total has to appear on yet ANOTHER page of the file in a 'total total total' summary field. So, I'm good with spawning the new pages, but my problem at the moment is trying to get the individual reset buttons to only reset their own rows, and only on their own pages. I haven't even gotten to dealing with the totaling issue yet. I've tried to keep the field names small and consistent (ie the names in the 1st row are 1a, 1b, 1c, etc through 1k). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My spawn new page button js so far is:
var SpawnPage = this.getTemplate({cName: "Template1"});
SpawnPage.spawn({nPage: pageNum + 1, bRename: true, bOverlay: false});
and I've tried various unsuccessful variations for the resets js so I'm turning to experts:)
Re: Hopefully more simple than im making it: Text effect question/trk matte question
Can't Activate Millesime Bold Font
I had this font activated, but with one of the last few CC updates as well as updates to different apps, I can't reactivate Millesime Bold. I have no idea why that particular font fact won't activate. The rest of the font family will activate and does not show as missing when I open application where I' have used this font. I need it active in ALL of the apps as I'm using for a project with several applications.
It's showing as active when I open Adobe Fonts:
and in the creative cloud application:
I need this font working....what is wrong?
Re: content aware fill in after effects
I reported your post, your photo actually. Nothing to do with homophobia so you should stop pitying yourself or whatever it is that you're doing to make yourself feel important or different.
The gist of it is there are children who visit these sites - lots of kids pick up Adobe software today. I found your photo to be risque for children, from a site such as this where parents should feel confident their children will not see images or videos of adults in an amorous position/act.
Learn to live with others as you want others to live with you. Thank you. And as Dave says, get back to your initial issue and I would have removed the image or blocked it such that it doesn't go against the rules here.
Re: Lightroom Classic Export Lightens My Photo
How are you viewing the images after you export them?
Many image viewers, especially Microsoft's, are not color managed.
How to debug JSPs in an AEM custom errorhandler?
1. a local instance of author (running on 4502 and debugging port on 8000) and publisher (running on 4503 and debugging port on 8002)
2. used this guide (Debug an AEM app using eclipse ) to setup 2 debug configurations for my author and publisher local instances
3. Somebody (a person before me) created a custom version of /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler and placed it in /apps/sling/servlet/errorhandler
My question is on how to do debug the custom JSP page. I placed a breakpoint in the JSP on IntelliJ and it's not stopping on the breakpoint. I know the debugging works as the custom JSP uses a Java class (consisting of 10 lines only) and if I placed a breakpoint somewhere in the class, it stops at that point.
I am looking at this page (Customizing Pages shown by the Error Handler ) and there are no tips on how to debug the custom code.
Send Error
Why am I getting
? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and still getting the same error message. Please help. I have documents that I need to get signed.
Re: How do you create and highlight karaoke text but as tabs?
What you’re asking for as far as having text highlight would probably be most easily and quickly accomplished in After Effects.
Re: content aware fill in after effects
you do realize there are parents that are of same sex so when your saying that this is to not offend children you just insulted same sex parents of two dads or two moms
Re: content aware fill in after effects
and you just stated that a same sex kiss is not child friendly so just image how many potential same sex dads you just insulted just now of saying that them kissing is adult content
Re: lrprev files in dropbox
If you make a decision to move from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom (the Cloud-Based service) this will ultimately result in all your Original Photos being uploaded to the Adobe Creative Cloud storage and all the info that would have been saved to the LR Classic Catalog file will also reside in the cloud storage. You will no longer have need of the preview files.
There is a process to do the migration but it requires a lot of thought and preparation and will require a lot of HDD space on your physical system.
I do not know if it is possible to import the original files directly from your Dropbox, this will also need some research.
However, when the process has been completed successfully you will be able to remove the image files from your computer system and send to an archive if you wish to do so.
The link below will provide additional info to begin the process.
Migrate photos and videos from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom.
Re: content aware fill in after effects
if this was a man and women doing a kiss you would allow it so don't even try and lie to yourself or me
Re: content aware fill in after effects
same sex parents exist! how do you think they would feel when your saying this content is not appropriate around children? you just made it look like to them and me that a same sex kiss is adult content and is not showing that should ever be accidentally viewed by children so great job making same sex parents feel normal
Re: Can't Activate Millesime Bold Font
Well after deactivating it and activating it again many times,It's resolved the issue with Millesime Bold, but now I can't get Montana Bold to work. It's active in my Adobe Fonts.
But it's showing up as missing in when I open applications where I've previously used the font:
And it's not showing up in any of the applications in the pulldown menu.
I specifically used Adobe Fonts so I wouldn't have any issues using a specific font throughout a project that incorporates several CC applications (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects...etc!!)
Does anyone know how I can resolve this? I'm using a PC, but sadly, these two fonts that I desperately need to work are the ONLY two fonts that I'm having this problem with, and it's killing me!
Re: content aware fill in after effects
also thank you for revealing your self i will be bringing your name up to adobe corporate number
because last time i checked same sex parents showing innocent affection inst adult content
Re: content aware fill in after effects
i am sick and tired that you see an opposite sex kiss is child friendly but a same sex kiss borderline pornography